During the eight days of the Huron Fringe Bird Festival, volunteers for the FOMPP provided lunches to the participants and to park visitors. In this picture Gerald Guenkel was busy grilling up sausages, hamburgers, hot dogs, and veggie burgers. Bruce MacKechnie worked to produce our famous MacGr-egg-or sandwiches and grilled cheese as only he can. Mike Helt helped us through the challenges of a new payment system. Others worked the barbecue, served customers, baked cookies, cooked Chili for a particularly cold day and worked to set up and take down our tent and equipment. Thanks to all of our volunteers and to all who supported our barbecue lunches. A huge thanks to Sue Little who coordinated all of the volunteers and managed the barbecue. We were able to raise over $2400 for projects in MacGregor Point Park
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