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Sand Dune Boardwalk Project

The Park has requested construction of boardwalks that would encourage Park visitors to not walk through the sensitive re-establishing sand dune ecosystem. Currently, there are many ‘mini-trails’ throughout the shoreline sand dune areas created by visitors accessing the beach, which has resulted in trampling some of the dune vegetation.

Solution: Provide convenient, sand dune boardwalks in key travel areas to the beach to reduce the number of shortcuts. These boardwalks will be constructed of untreated natural white cedar connected by recycled forest fire hose. The white cedar for this project has been locally sourced. This construction allows for a portable and flexible boardwalk that can contour to the ‘lay of the land’.

Currently Stew Nutt, Marshall Byle and Gerald Guenkel are constructing sections of the boardwalk at Marshall’s all equipped workshop. So far 4-10ft sections are done with the goal of 100ft being prepared for this spring.


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