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Welcome back Matt!

April 28, 2021

Matt started with Ontario Parks in 2006, following his passion of helping people connect with the natural world. With over a decade spent working as a park interpreter and three years as an assistant park planner, he brings an insightful perspective when educating park visitors and encouraging ecologically sustainable exploration of our protected areas. An avid trail user and self-proclaimed nature geek, when he’s not on the clock you’re likely to find him onto a new discovery somewhere in one of our parks.

He was first hired by the Friends of MacGregor Point Park as a summer student, operating the visitor’s centre. Then he was brought in as an Ontario Parks student helping with children’s weekly programs. Over the years, he has worked in a variety of positions with Ontario Parks. Through roles such as Senior Park Interpreter, Natural Heritage Education Leader, Assistant Park Planner and Head Gate Attendant, he has experience in MacGregor Point Provincial Park and Inverhuron Provincial Park. He has also worked in both the southwest and northeast zones.

Now he has returned to MacGregor Point Park as the Chief Park Naturalist, leading the Discovery Program. He is looking forward to expanding the monitoring and resource management efforts at MacGregor Point and across the parks in our cluster.

Matt is looking forward to guiding forest succession post Emerald Ash Borer and managing invasive species in the park. He is also excited about continuing the progress of interpretive programs by developing high quality, experiential programs. He is a certified trainer through the National Association for Interpretation and will be offering Certified Interpretive Guide courses for Discovery staff in the park and across the province.

Matt’s interest and enthusiasm for all things natural has lead to a career filled with challenge and interesting positions. His goal of helping people connect with the natural environment is of particular importance these days. His wonderful sense of humour and engaging personality will be beneficial in his new role with MacGregor Point Park.


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