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Changes to the FOMPP Board of Directors

June 23, 2021

This year we have had two directors step down - Sue Little (president) and Doug Pedwell (Huron Fringe Birding Festival liason). We are sad to see them go. Hopefully, they will return to help the board in the future.

Sue McCulloch Little

Sue joined the board in 2015. Since all three of her children worked at MacGregor Point Park as students, she was excited to join the board to volunteer and give back to the park. She started in membership and donations, worked on developing the volunteer contact lists and tried to increase opportunities for volunteers in the park. When the Friends were asked to provide barbecue lunches for the Huron Fringe Birding Festival, Sue took the Food Safety training course and learned how to organize these events for the FOMPP. She developed a small committee to help organize food fundraisers. Sue was also treasurer and president during her years with the board. She worked on developing our new website and updating the core values. She has described her time with the board as very rewarding. Sue devoted both time and energy in her various roles with the board. She will be missed.


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